Eating healthy is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. In low-income neighborhoods, it is hard for people to afford fruits and vegetables. Learning how to grow your food is a wise thing to do. One seed can grow into a food item that can continue to feed someone for years to come.
Vancouver Community Agriculture Network was known for doing outstanding work in various neighborhoods. They are very successful in producing a bountiful harvest for many neighborhoods. Teaching the less fortunate how to create and maintain their food is an important factor in living a healthier lifestyle.
VCAN supports many other groups in teaching people about establishing and maintaining gardens. If you teach someone how to take care of the plants and trees, then they will be able to continue over time, and the plant will thrive while also feeding the inhabitants.

Fresh products with great taste
Many people would love to eat healthier, they just do not know how to plant or maintain fruit or vegetables.
It can be stress relieving to work with plants. Joining a garden in your neighborhood will benefit you and the garden. You will be able to lower your anxiety while helping to make the plants thrive and produce great fruits and vegetables to eat. There are a variety of projects you can join.
You will meet new friends and become more plant-friendly. Working outdoors will be great for your health, it will help to get you motivated to living a healthy lifestyle.